When to dry hop?

Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:13 pm

Ive heard some different opinions on when to add the dry hops. Some say if you add it before yeast activity slows considerably you will lose aroma as Co2 leaves the carboy. What do you think? This recipe has a pretty considerable dry hop bill, and I really want to maximize the aroma. Thanks.

tap:Alesmith IPA
carboy:Sour Blonde, Rye Saison w/Brett
bottld: Tripel A,Tripel B,Sour Blonde,Hef, Saison w/Brett
OnDeck:Brown Ale

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Re: When to dry hop?

Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:08 pm

One way is to just keep dry hopping the shit out of it.
Boil a big hop bag so they are not constricted. Change them every 7 days, with a big old honkin' last addition 1 week before
it goes to keg/bottle, and it'll be great.
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Re: When to dry hop?

Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:22 pm

Within in 1 degree plato of terminal gravity is a good rule to use or Bdawg's advice will work as well. Hazy is fine as long as you got the hops to answer the question, Why is this beer so hazy?
If you're not trying to showcase any 1 hop in the dry hop, adding a little Columbus(1/4-1/2oz) is ALWAYS a good idea.... :jnj Drew
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Re: When to dry hop?

Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:52 pm

One of the reasons a lot of folks recomend adding dh just before the yeast fall out is because those hops you're adding are trapping some oxygen. Especially pellet. If you still have a little yeast activity, they will have a chance at cleaning the o2 up before it leads to oxidation.
If you add them too early, you will lose aroma through CO2 off gassing of the ferment.
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Re: When to dry hop?

Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:28 pm

Thanks all...

tap:Alesmith IPA
carboy:Sour Blonde, Rye Saison w/Brett
bottld: Tripel A,Tripel B,Sour Blonde,Hef, Saison w/Brett
OnDeck:Brown Ale

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Re: When to dry hop?

Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:25 am

I like to add them to the primary just as the fementation starts to slow down. The CO2 will scrub out some of the hops so be sure to add a bit more than you normally would to keep that precious aroma/flavor delicious. Adding the hops at this point also allows your fermenter to become purged of any O2 introduced when dry hopping as the yeast are still pushing out CO2 and taking up any introduced oxygen (hopefully). Be sure to swirl your fermenter every other day while dry hopping to help keep the hops in suspension.
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