Avery's Mephistopheles Stout

Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:51 pm

I had this in a maredsous glass at 60 f. It poured a seriously pitch black. I held it up close to a lightbulb... nothing came thru. Wow. A murky dark brown head lingered around nicely, quite interesting being the high abv.

Aroma was of blackstrap molasses, burnt sugars, roasted barley, prunes and other dried fruits. Yum! Flavor is dominated by a solid roasted barley presence, alcohol and spice. I took a big gulp (!) and detected a pleaseant star anise "black licorice" flavor as well.

Awesome winter warmer imperial stout! And the 16% abv prevents abuse, or does it??? :lol:
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:00 pm

Yeah I can get most of Avery's stuff here and most of it is really good. I compared their White Rascal Wit to my first Belgian Wit and was really happy that I was very close. Not sure if their Wit is the best example of the style but I was happy I came really close to anything commercial.
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:15 pm

I always have a keg of White Rascal on tap at my house. That is probably my favorite everyday drinking beer. I get kegs direct from the brewery and save a few coins. Man I'm getting thirsty just thinking about it!

The Mephistopheles Stout is also amazing. Very seldom does Avery let me down.
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:52 pm

Pri: Community Nudity Ale, Magician Red Ale, Berliner Weisse
Bottled: Paxton's Tripel and Dubbel, 400 Rabbits Ale, Cap'n Crunch Amber Oat Ale

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Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:54 pm

BadRockBeer wrote:I always have a keg of White Rascal on tap at my house. That is probably my favorite everyday drinking beer. I get kegs direct from the brewery and save a few coins. Man I'm getting thirsty just thinking about it!

The Mephistopheles Stout is also amazing. Very seldom does Avery let me down.

I think I've had about enough beer tonight...Now I need some Whiskey to sober up
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