Fraoch - Scottish Heather Ale

Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:57 pm

I just picked this one up at the specialty store. I figured with the hop shortage, that I might as well start developing a taste for alternative flavoring spices...

Well, I have to say - I have never tasted anything like this beer. It poured a light orange (a little lighter than an APA). Head retention was nothing to speak of - the 1/2" head fell rather quickly into the beer. No lacing also. Ok, now the interesting part - the flavor and aroma. It had quite a strong floral and minty aroma, obviously from the heather. Taste had pronounced flavor that reminded me of licorice. After the somewhat new flavors to my palate, the nicely balanced malt character finished with just enough sweetness to balance the low IBUs. Overall mouthfeel was medium.

I don't think I could drink a bunch of these, but I would definitely buy it again for the novelty of the interesting flavors. Worth a try!

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Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:34 pm

Yeah, I got to try this stuff a few years back. Quite good considering the lack of hops. I think it qualifies as a "must try" if one gets the chance.

A friend in Northern England served it to me while I was visiting. His "Mum" lived in Scotland and he picked it up on visit to her, so I think the bottles I had were probably pretty fresh.

But this got me to wondering...

Since hops serve as a preservative and Fraoch has no hops, does it stale more quickly than other brews??? Do heather tips have any preservative qualities??? Is it possible that if we can get it here in the US that it is never at its best??? If we get to like it too much, does that mean there is going to be a worldwide heather shortage???
Chris Bushman
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Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:35 am

I liked this beer and would love to brew it on a regular basis. The cool thing is we in the US can grow Heather. It is a nice looking shrub. The problem is that the brewer used a bunch of the flowers to make the brew, both in the boil and in a hop back. I understand he now uses some English hops for bittering and the heather mostly for aroma and flavor.

Just a thought...
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