Coopers Original Pale Ale

Sun Jun 26, 2005 1:48 pm

12.7 fluid oz. brown stubbie bottle. Freahness date of 28.11.05 inked on the side of the bottle. Damn twist off cap. I hate twist offs. Anyway, it poured out a pale golden yellow color, with a minimal white foamy head. I left the yeast in the bottle, because I didn’t feel like drinking it today. Watery tasting, thin body, minimal flavors and aromas. What aromas there are smell like weak, stale beer. Not a top notch pale ale in my book.
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Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:07 am

You didn't roll the bottle then. Everyone in Adelaide knows you have to roll a bottle of Coopers Pale before you drink it. It doesn't taste right otherwise. In fact it tastes just like you described it - watery and no body.

Roll the bottle before opening a Coopers Ale (of any type) and get the sediment into the solution. It tastes completely different. :D

Coopers Beer Lover

Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:23 pm

Coopers PAle Ale isnt the star of the range even when rolled. Its ok off the tap when session drinking but doesnt come close to the Sparkling Ale or the Stout. I also imagine the Pale Ale wouldnt be in the best shape after being shipped to the northern hemisphere.

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Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:47 pm

I have been able to get my hands of the stout and it traveled pretty well. It is the only Coopers I've ran across here. It was pretty damn good.

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Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:56 am

i normally buy a 6 pack of Coopers every week or so, not because i think its a great beer, but it is the last family owned megabrewery in Oz, so it gets my backing

it has changed alot in the last 10 years or so
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:40 am

Ozbrewer wrote:i normally buy a 6 pack of Coopers every week or so,

You buy beer? Man, if I could brew a Wit half as good as the one you gave me the other day, I don't think I would buy beer ever again.
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Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:27 am

I was in Oz (the country, not the brewer) back in '92 for 6 months. Back then Coopers Red was Awesome!! The BOTTLE cap was a pull top... you pulled the ring back and the the whole cap "slid" off. I first had it at the Railway Friendly Bar in Byron Bay, NSW... It takes on a whole different character with the sediment mixed in. The Stout was good too, but ohhhh the Red. I would have stayed for the beer (and the "heads") but everyone kept calling me Seppo and blaming me for Nam (I was 22, so that made perfect sense), so I left...:cry:

I have had it here since and it is NOT the same beer. Probably the export version.
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