CRBrewHound wrote:Neither!
If I am understanding you correctly you are wanting to measure the temperature of the wort going through for control of the HLT "water" heating. That is incorrect and will most likely give you issues with temperature overshoots and undershoots that decreases until balance is reached. You should instead measure and control the heat of the water in the HLT.
The liquid can never get higher then the temp of the heat transfer medium. so measure and control that. You should probably have a second temp gauge so that you can measure the temp of the mash and know the difference between the two so you can see when the mash temp has stabilized to that temp and "start the clock" on your mash.
I have a non-automated HERMs system and I do it exactly as BrewHound describes. I know that my HLT needs to be ~6 degrees higher than my desired mash temp.
Also, upon thinking about this more ... measuring the output from the HERMS will fluctuate quickly with HLT temps, but not necessarily track quickly with actual Mash temp changes.