What I've Learned From Brewing Network 2012...

Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:14 pm

I'm pretty new to the brewing network, and here's what I've learned:

1. Fermentation temperatures, yeast health, and sanitation is all that really matters...everything else is just a bonus. Thanks Jamil. The new beers are great and even the wife will drink them.

2. Jeremy Marshall and Matt Bryndilson are the greatest brewers in America. They're not only great brewers, but they're great people.

3. Kegging is way better than bottling. It's not only easier, but the product tastes better.

4. ...so spend $100 to buy a chest freezer and control your fermentation temperatures and keg.

5. Buy a turkey baster and try your beer while it's maturing. Bring your beers to room temperature after fermentation. Keep it there for 2 days OR until you can't taste any more off-flavors (green apple, hot alcohol, too fruity, butterscotch). Then crash cool to 32 degrees to eliminate polyphenols. That'll give you beer so good even your picky wife and friends will drink it.

6. Stone Levitation Ale is fantastic, but it tastes a lot like a BrewDog beer. It's about time we had an interview with James Watt, from BrewDog, on Can You Brew It. He's just as great as Marshall and Bryndilson.

7. On that note, BrewDog from Scotland is the best brewery on Earth; followed very closely by Lagunitas. Anchor Brewing controls their distribution and won't distribute their beer because they say it's too inconsistent. Who cares? It's consistently great even if it doesn't always taste exactly the same. Let's demand it.

8. The DMS scare is bunch of crap.

9. What did you learn about brewing in 2012?


The BeaverBarber
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"...know your process, know your yeast." - Ozwald
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Re: What I've Learned From Brewing Network 2012...

Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:21 pm

Oh yeah...

10. Justin Crossley is way smarter than people give him credit for...the guy is a genius even if he brews like I do. Which is that he gets too drunk and stops caring so much 2 hours into the process. In case you're wondering what difference it makes, that makes our 0 minute hops steep for about an hour which throws off everything.

11. Adam Carolla is a douche bag.

12. Lee Chase is great.
Come On Fulham!!

"...know your process, know your yeast." - Ozwald
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