mead 1st timer with fruit

Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:24 pm

I'm a week into a 14 lbs honey/4 gallons water mead. I went with staggered nutrient additions Al la curt stock. I have 19 lbs of fruit added at the beginning of fermentation. Steady 67 degrees. Very active first week but not much activity in airlock now. A bubble every 30 seconds or so. Gravity was 1.110 to start last checked at 1.020, tasted nice. Is this normal? The fruit seems still pretty whole, I did freeze then thaw(it's in mesh bags). Should I let it stay in primary with the fruit? Will the fruit become more integrated into the must with time? 1st timer so plenty of questions. I had some great mead at nhc (Michael fairbrothers ris Braggot or was amazing!)
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Re: mead 1st timer with fruit

Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:51 pm

Have you checked it again since to see if the yeast is still working? 1.020 isn't bad for a sweet mead, especially with a huge OG, not sure what you're going for.

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