First my recipe/process:
I brewed up some mead over the weekend, 4 gallon boil with 19 (roughly) pounds of locally produced honey (my aunt keeps bees, actually). Honey added with the water at about 120 deg F, stirred and heated up to 180, turned off the heat cooled it down; topping off to 6 gal. Once cooled, i racked into two carboys, further topping off so that I had 3 gallons of must at a roughly 3lbs:1gal ratio for a sweet mead, and 5 gallons of must at a roughly 2lbs:1gal ratio for a dry mead. I used White Labs sweet mead and champagne yeast vials respectively.
Once I was finished topping off the carboys I took OG readings and got 1.068 for dry and 1.108 for sweet, measured at roughly 70 deg F. Can anyone tell me if these are right? From other reading it looks like I'm relatively in range; the sweet sdie is right on point and the dry side is a bit low. If this is the case, should I add some extra honey or will I just get an extra dry finished product? What FG should I be looking for?