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Need some rib ideas

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Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:46 pm
by Lars
I know this is sacrelidge... but if you gotta do them quick nothing beats a pressure cooker with beer in it, then grill with dry rub or sauce of your choice.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:10 pm
by Crut
BadRockBeer wrote:What my chili's not good enough for ya? :lol:

J/K - I'll go through some of my recipes when I get home tonight and post some ideas.

well the chili might be still in consideration. I also have 5lbs of of burger in the freezer. I whipped up a batch of ribs in the oven tonight for a test try. we'll see how it comes out.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:09 am
by yellowcolumbia
My Favorite way to prepare ribs:
Prepare the baby backs with salt/pepper or any other rub you like. chop cabbage into strips enough to cover the length of the slab (no real science). place cabbage on a long sheet of tinfoil. Place ribs over top of cabbage meat side up. Chop more cabbage, not as much as before and place on top of ribs. Bring the ends of the tin foil up and seal the ribs in tinfoil...not too tight, there needs to be some room at the top. Do not puncture the tinfoil.

Place ribs on grill (LOW heat). Grill for for an hour to 2 hours (depends on size of slab) Usually 1.5 hours does the trick. If you don't want to use the grill, you can use an oven around 200-210*

Remove tinfoil and cabbage from ribs. Grill ribs directly on grate for 15 minutes on low while brushing with your favorite sauce.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:13 am
by GweedoeBrew
Ok... In the summer I use my smoker for my ribs... but it is New England... and I wouldn't be able to use my smoker in the winter... cause it si F-ing cold!!

So what I do in the winter is...

Set my oven to 195 degress. I rub down my ribs the night before and let them sit in the bottom rack of the fridge (it is a little warmer on my bottom rack...haha.. he said rack)....

I then put my ribs in the oven for 3 hours..... I put them on a roasting rack... so they don't sit in their juices... and I cover them with foil, but I poke of couple of hold in the top of the foil.. not sure why I do that.. but I do... Then after 3 hours... I run then out to my gas grill (in the friggin cold) and on high... do them for about 2 or 4 minutes per side... just to get that grilled flavor... I used to put wood chips on the grill 1/2 hour before and get the grill smokey before I put them on... But I have become lazy... and don't really do that anymore... It is easy... they are fall off the bone... and it works great everytime... not as smokey tasting... but good non-the-less.

Have fun with the Grillin.... Go Pats!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:37 pm
by straight cash homey
1) dry rub whatever you want, not alot of sugar though, these are going to be in the oven all day, it will just burn
2) put the ribs in the oven at 220 ish, just a piece of foil to cover, dont seal it closed, you want dry heat like a smoker not steamed
3) stay away for atleast 6-8 hours
4) take ribs out, let sit 1/2 hour, cut ribs in two rib portions
5) heat up some bbq sauce(stubbs spicy for me) and place riblets in sauce
6) coat carefully so u dont destroy the ribs
7) eat em with cabbage, vinegar or white style, i like em both, beans, potato wedges, sweet potato pie, cornbread, fried okra, greens

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